Hi! My name is Lorinda and Thank You for visiting my blog. Please be a Follower and Leave a Message

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

What is Sexy?

I recently joined an online contest for defining the word "sexy". What is my answer? It is this:

Sexy is being confident of who you are and what you are. It is about making your life as exciting as it can be. Working hard towards meeting your goals. Statistics plus action. Its about how you bring out the best in you and you work it!

It is also a like photo contest and I submitted my sexy picture of all time! (I think!) and that is this:
I know this is not the description of the basic "sexy" that every one think of. I am working on it. Like working to achieve the "sexy" word statistically! But still, I stand on my answer about being confident and being who you are. You need to work everything out  and live your life as exciting as you can.

As for me being sexy, :p well, I run, I look forward to living a healthy lifestyle, I work and I work efficiently, no late, no absences and do everything at best. Being a mom,  I am always at my best to meet their needs in all aspect - physically, mentally, spiritually emotionally. As a wife, I think you better ask the husband about that!

O btw, this is the sexy contest I joined:

and if you wanna vote for me (please do!) please like the photo here in this link!
Thank You!!!